Boxpal Means
More Profit, Less Stress

- Find a golden buyer or vendor within our trusted network.
- Open an account with one of the TPLW listed in our file so you retain complete control over your goods during the pick-up, transit, and delivery.
- Review our insurance policy with your lawyer so you feel confident and comfortable.
- Receive a Purchase Order from us and we inform the warehouse the deal is in progress.
- Your goods will be checked and inspected thoroughly using specialized x-ray equipment at the TPLW, neutralized, and repacked for final shipment.
- Once your stock reaches the final destination, it will be inspected by our clients and you’ll get paid immediately.
- As soon as you receive the funds, you release instructions to the TPLW to authorize drop off of the goods.
Need a Broker for a Big Deal?
If you’re still not comfortable shipping your stock on hold or need to connect with a buyer directly, we can act as a brokerage to ensure you get what you need, hassle-free. Plus, you’re still covered by our insurance policies, so there’s no risk!
What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose and a trusted partner to gain.
Book your no-cost, no-obligation discovery call with us today to get started!
Ready To Tap Into A Trusted Network That Will Deal You The HOTTEST Offers And Requests On Demand?
Book Your Free Discovery Call Today To Find Out If You Qualify And Learn More About How We Can Partner With You.
Learn More And Get The Best Offers And Requests Starting Today
Want to get the absolute best deals on name-brand electronics, mobile phones, computers, and more from reputable customers and suppliers you can trust? You’re invited to tap into Boxpal’s exclusive network and start generating more revenue and profits with less stress.
Click the button below and enter your contact details and one of our team members will reach out to see if you’re a good fit for our exclusive network of credible buyers and suppliers.